RISE Project

RISE stands for Restore, Inspire, Sustain, and Empower. The RISE Project aims to build bakeries in impoverished regions, train locals to become professional bakers, and employ trained individuals to manage bakeries in their community. These bakeries will empower locals especially women, mitigate the cost of importing food (bread), and financially strengthen communities that were once socially excluded.  The project's positive financial outcomes will have extensive impact on communities as locals use their incomes to feed and send their children to school. The estimated cost to build a Lift Bakery is around $4,680.

Lift Poultry Project

The Poultry Project will establish poultry farms, teach locals how to effectively farm commercial poultry, and assist them in the creation of poultry cooperatives with other communities. As a result, locals will be able to financially support their families as well as provide fresh local poultry for food security in their community. The estimated cost to build a Lift Poultry is around $3,075.